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Allison Pickens' Podcast
Category Creation & The Rise of Operations

Category Creation & The Rise of Operations

In this podcast, hosted by conversational marketing company Drift, I discuss strategies for category creation:

  • Messaging your company as part of an ecosystem

  • Elevating early evangelists of a movement

  • Aligning your product with business metrics

  • Positioning yourself as the category leader

I also discuss the growing importance of Operations functions, which is fueling the creation of many software categories. (Or, is the software fueling the growth in Ops? I’ll let you decide….)

If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter and would like to read or hear more category creation, the rise of operations, many other subjects relating to scaling businesses, you can sign up here:

Allison Pickens' Newsletter
Allison Pickens' Podcast
Patterns and prophets, in SaaS and Web3